
used for spelling and pronunciation


  • neophyte

    A neophyte is a person who is just beginning to learn a subject or skill—or how to do an activity of some kind.

  • acme

    The acme of something is its highest point of achievement or excellence.

  • anodyne

    An anodyne is a medicine that soothes or relieves pain.

  • obtuse

    Someone is obtuse when they are slow to understand things; someone can choose to be obtuse when they deliberately do not try to figure things out.

  • peruse

    If you peruse some written text, you read it over carefully.

  • superimpose

    If two things are superimposed, one is stacked over the other so that both become one.

  • repute

    A person's repute is what others think of them; repute can also refer to someone's standing in society.

  • renege

    If you renege on a deal, agreement, or promise, you do not do what you promised or agreed to do.

  • conclave

    A conclave is a meeting between a group of people who discuss something secretly.

  • transpose

    If you transpose two things, you make them change places or reverse their normal order.

  • supine

    If you are supine, you are lying on your back with your face upward.

  • transmute

    Something transmutes when it changes from one form or state into another.

  • reprobate

    A reprobate has a bad character and behaves in an immoral or improper way.

  • disburse

    To disburse is to pay out money, usually from a large fund that has been collected for a specific purpose.

  • requisite

    If something is requisite for a purpose, it is needed, appropriate, or necessary for that specific purpose.

  • mediocre

    Something that is mediocre is just average or adequate in quality.

  • edifice

    An edifice is a large or impressive building, such as a church, palace, temple, or fortress.

  • demure

    If you describe someone, usually a young woman, as demure, you mean that she is quiet, shy, and always behaves modestly.

  • cynosure

    A cynosure is an object that serves as the center of attention.

  • misconstrue

    If you misconstrue something that has been said or something that happens, you understand or interpret it incorrectly.

  • minuscule

    Something minuscule is extremely small in size or amount.

  • malaise

    Malaise is a feeling of discontent, general unease, or even illness in a person or group for which there does not seem to be a quick and easy solution because the cause of it is not clear.

  • traduce

    If you traduce someone, you deliberately say hurtful and untrue things to damage their reputation.

  • denude

    To denude an area is to remove the plants and trees that cover it; it can also mean to make something bare.

  • retrograde

    A retrograde action causes a return to a condition or situation that is worse instead of better than the present one.

  • archetype

    An archetype is a perfect or typical example of something because it has the most important qualities that belong to that type of thing; it can also describe essential qualities common to a particular class of things.

  • explicate

    To explicate an idea or plan is to make it clear by explaining it.

  • excise

    When you excise something, you remove it by cutting it out.

  • expostulate

    If you expostulate with someone, you express strong disagreement with or disapproval of what that person is doing.

  • impute

    If you impute something, such as blame or a crime, to somebody, you say (usually unfairly) that that person is responsible for it.

  • denounce

    If you denounce people or actions, you criticize them severely in public because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.

  • satire

    Satire is a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way through the use of exaggeration; it is often used to make people see their faults.

  • acquiesce

    If you acquiesce to something, you allow it to happen by doing what someone wants without putting up a struggle or voicing your own concerns.

  • divulge

    To divulge something is to reveal information that was once private or secret.

  • revile

    If something is reviled, it is intensely hated and criticized.

  • sublime

    Something that is sublime is so strikingly beautiful that it seems not of this world; therefore, it affects the emotions deeply.

  • abstruse

    You can describe something as abstruse if you find it highly complicated and difficult to understand.

  • addle

    If someone is addled by something, they are confused by it and unable to think properly.

  • imbibe

    If you imbibe ideas, values, or qualities, you absorb them into your mind.

  • remonstrate

    To remonstrate with someone is to tell that person that you strongly disapprove of something they have said or done.

  • lacerate

    If something lacerates you, it makes a deep cut into your flesh.

  • ensconce

    If you ensconce yourself somewhere, you put yourself into a comfortable place or safe position and have no intention of moving or leaving for quite some time.

  • efface

    To efface something is to erase or remove it completely from recognition or memory.

  • relegate

    You relegate someone or something if you give that person or thing a less important position than before.

  • subterfuge

    If you employ subterfuge, you use a secret plan or action to get what you want by outwardly doing one thing that cleverly hides your true intentions.

  • astute

    When you describe someone as astute, you think they quickly understand situations or behavior and use it to their advantage.

  • expunge

    If you expunge something, you completely remove it or do away with it.

  • suffuse

    If something, such as warmth, color, or liquid, suffuses a material, it gradually spreads through or covers it; if you are suffused with a feeling, you are full of that feeling.

  • diatribe

    A diatribe is a speech or piece of writing that angrily attacks someone's ideas or activities at length.

  • coerce

    You coerce people when you force them to do something that they don't want to do.

  • acolyte

    An acolyte is someone who serves a leader as a devoted assistant or believes in the leader's ideas.

  • epitome

    If you say that a person or thing is the epitome of something, you mean that they or it is the best possible example of that thing.

  • abase

    If you abase yourself, people respect you less because you behave in a way that shows that someone else has complete power over you.

  • occlude

    If something, such as a road, is occluded, it has been closed off or blocked; therefore, cars are prevented from continuing on their way until the road is opened once again.

  • connive

    If one person connives with another, they secretly plan to achieve something of mutual benefit, usually a thing that is illegal or immoral.

  • deluge

    A deluge is a sudden, heavy downfall of rain; it can also be a large number of things, such as papers or e-mails, that someone gets all at the same time, making them very difficult to handle.

  • enclave

    An enclave is a small area within a larger area of a city or country in which people of a different nationality or culture live.

  • abate

    When something bad or painful abates, it becomes less strong or severe.

  • trite

    A trite remark or idea is so overused that it is no longer interesting or novel.

  • ensue

    When something ensues, it happens after or as a result of another event.

  • intone

    If someone is intoning something, they are saying it in a slow and serious way without making their voice rise or fall.

  • adage

    An adage is an inherited saying or phrase that has been historically used to express a common experience.

  • bereaved

    A bereaved person is someone whose close friend or relative has recently died.

  • impinge

    If something impinges on you, it affects you in some negative way.

  • trope

    Tropes are expressions, phrases, or words that writers use as a clever method for expressing everyday ideas in a nonliteral and creative way.

  • proscribe

    When someone proscribes an activity, they prohibit it by establishing a rule against it.

  • ornate

    An ornate object is heavily or excessively decorated with complicated shapes and patterns.

  • wile

    Wiles are clever tricks or cunning schemes that are used to persuade someone to do what you want.

  • respite

    A respite is a short period of rest from work or something troubling.

  • adjure

    When you adjure someone to do something, you persuade, eagerly appeal, or solemnly order them to do it.

  • affable

    An affable person is pleasant, friendly, and easy to talk to.

  • effete

    If you describe a person, group, or civilization as effete, you mean it is weak, exhausted, powerless, unproductive, and/or corrupt.

  • facile

    If you criticize someone's arguments as being facile, you consider their ideas simplistic and not well thought through.

  • obtrude

    If something obtrudes, it becomes noticeable or attracts attention in a way that is not pleasant or welcome.

  • connote

    If a word or behavior connotes something, it suggests an additional idea or emotion that is not part of its original literal meaning.

  • apprise

    When you are apprised of something, you are given information about it.

  • presage

    To presage a future event is to give a sign or warning that something (usually) bad is about to happen.

  • accede

    When you accede to a demand or proposal, you agree to it, especially after first disagreeing with it.

  • sanguine

    If you are sanguine about a situation, especially a difficult one, you are confident and cheerful that everything will work out the way you want it to.

  • jejune

    If you describe ideas as jejune, you are saying they are childish and uninteresting; the adjective jejune also describes those having little experience, maturity, or knowledge.

  • allude

    When you allude to something or someone, often events or characters from literature or history, you refer to them in an indirect way.

  • ingrate

    If you describe someone as an ingrate, you are criticizing them because they do not express thanks to someone who has helped them—they are ungrateful.

  • irresolute

    Someone who is irresolute is unable to decide what to do.

  • commune

    If you commune with something, you communicate without using words because you feel especially close or in tune with it.

  • tome

    A tome is a large weighty book that is usually of an important or scholarly nature.

  • collude

    If you collude with people, you work secretly with them to do something dishonest.

  • postulate

    If you postulate something, you assert that it is true without proof; therefore, it can be used as a basis for argument or reasoning—even though there is no factual basis for the assumption.

  • regale

    If someone regales you, they tell you stories and jokes to entertain you— and they could also serve you a wonderful feast.

  • agglomerate

    To agglomerate a group of things is to gather them together without any noticeable order.

  • pare

    To pare something down is to reduce or lessen it.

  • expiate

    If you expiate your crimes, guilty feelings, or bad behavior in general, you show you are sorry by doing something good to make up for the bad things you did.

  • transcribe

    If you transcribe something, such as a speech or other text, you write it or type it in full.

  • wane

    If something—such as power, influence, or feeling—wanes, it gradually becomes weaker or less important, often so much so that it eventually disappears.

  • devolve

    When something devolves, such as a responsibility or a person's status, it passes along to another person.

  • terse

    To be terse in speech is to be short and to the point, often in an abrupt manner that may seem unfriendly.

  • deliberate

    If you deliberate, you think about or discuss something very carefully, especially before making an important decision.

  • convoke

    To convoke a meeting or assembly is to bring people together for a formal gathering or ceremony of some kind.

  • expurgate

    To expurgate part of a book, play, or other text is to remove parts of it before publishing because they are considered objectionable, harmful, or offensive.

  • circumscribe

    If one's powers or rights are circumscribed, they are limited or restricted.

  • clandestine

    Something that is clandestine is hidden or kept a secret, often because it is illegal.

  • resonate

    If you say that something, such as an event or a message, resonates with you, you mean that it has an emotional effect or a special meaning for you that is significant.

  • apogee

    The apogee of something is its highest or greatest point, especially in reference to a culture or career.

  • apostate

    An apostate has abandoned their religious faith, political party, or devotional cause.

  • opine

    To opine is to state your opinion on something.

  • dissemble

    When people dissemble, they hide their real thoughts, feelings, or intentions.

  • apposite

    Something that is apposite is relevant or suitable to what is happening or being discussed.

  • contrite

    If you are contrite, you are very sorry or ashamed that you have done something bad.

  • conflate

    If you conflate two or more descriptions or ideas, you combine them in order to produce a single unit.

  • fete

    A fete is a celebration or festival in honor of a special occasion.

  • misanthrope

    A misanthrope is someone who hates and mistrusts people.

  • exude

    If you exude a quality or feeling, people easily notice that you have a large quantity of it because it flows from you; if a smell or liquid exudes from something, it flows steadily and slowly from it.

  • imbue

    To imbue someone with a quality, such as an emotion or idea, is to fill that person completely with it.

  • impasse

    An impasse is a difficult situation in which progress is not possible, usually because none of the people involved are willing to agree.

  • sinecure

    A sinecure is a paid job or position that provides a regular income but does not involve much work or responsibility.

  • austere

    Something austere is simple and plain in its style; an austere person is strict and severe with themselves.

  • farce

    A situation or event is a farce if it is very badly organized and consequently unsuccessful—or so silly and ridiculous that you cannot take it seriously.

  • equivocate

    When people equivocate, they avoid making a clear statement; they are deliberately vague in order to avoid giving a direct answer to a question.

  • recluse

    A recluse is someone who chooses to live alone and deliberately avoids other people.

  • subsume

    If something is subsumed, it is included within a larger class or group as a member rather than being considered separately.

  • abridge

    If you abridge a book or play, you make it shorter by making cuts to the original.

  • obverse

    Something is obverse when it is facing or turned towards the observer, such as the facing side of a coin.

  • transfuse

    When something is transfused to another thing, it is given, put, or imparted to it; for example, you can transfuse blood or a love of reading from one person to another.

  • deprecate

    If you deprecate something, you disapprove of it strongly.

  • diffuse

    When something is diffuse, it is widely spread out and scattered.

  • inchoate

    If an idea, plan, or attitude is inchoate, it is vague and imperfectly formed because it is just starting to develop.

  • pinnacle

    If someone reaches a pinnacle of something—such as a career or mountain—they have arrived at the highest point of it.

  • condole

    If you condole with someone, you express sympathy or sorrow, usually on the death of someone dear.

  • confute

    To confute an argument is to prove it to be thoroughly false; to confute a person is to prove them to be wrong.

  • vestige

    A vestige of something is a very small part that remains from a once larger whole.

  • recondite

    Recondite areas of knowledge are those that are very difficult to understand and/or are not known by many people.

  • adduce

    When you adduce, you give facts and examples in order to prove that something is true.

  • artifice

    When you employ artifice, you use clever tricks and cunning to deceive someone.

  • abjure

    If you abjure a belief or a way of behaving, you state publicly that you will give it up or reject it.

  • inane

    If you describe someone's behavior as inane, you think it is completely stupid or without much meaning.

  • condone

    If you condone someone's behavior, you go along with it and provide silent support for it—despite doubts about it.

  • cede

    Someone cedes land or power to someone else by giving it to them, often because of political or military pressure.

  • pristine

    Something that is pristine has not lost any of its original perfection or purity.

  • collate

    When you collate pieces of information, you gather them all together and arrange them in some sensible order in order to examine and compare those data efficiently.

  • absolve

    When you absolve someone, you publicly and formally say that they are not guilty or responsible for any wrongdoing.

  • surrogate

    A surrogate is someone who temporarily takes the place of another person, usually acting as a representative because that person is not available to or cannot carry out a task.

  • disabuse

    If you disabuse someone of an idea or notion, you persuade them that the idea is in fact untrue.

  • contravene

    To contravene a law, rule, or agreement is to do something that is not allowed or is forbidden by that law, rule, or agreement.

  • abrogate

    To abrogate an act is to end it by official and sometimes legal means.

  • recompense

    When you offer recompense to someone, you give them something, usually money, for the trouble or loss that you have caused them or as payment for their help.

  • anecdote

    An anecdote is a short personal story that someone tells that is interesting or amusing.

  • auspices

    When you are under another person's auspices, you are being guided and protected by them.

  • belittle

    When you belittle something, such as an accomplishment, you make it seem little, of small importance, or insignificant.

  • concede

    When you concede to something, you unwillingly admit it is true or give in to it.

  • concise

    A concise statement is short, clear, and gets right to the point.

  • conglomerate

    A conglomerate is a large business or organization that consists of many different companies involved in numerous areas of expertise.

  • conjure

    When you try to conjure up images of the past, you call upon or summon them in your mind by imagining them.

  • contrived

    When something is contrived, it is obviously thought about or planned beforehand, although it tries to be passed off as not being so.

  • convene

    To convene people is to call them together for a meeting; it is also when the people come together for the meeting.

  • correlate

    When you correlate two things, you compare, associate, or equate them together in some way.

  • demise

    A demise can be the death of someone or the slow end of something.

  • destitute

    Someone who is destitute lives in extreme poverty and thus lacks the basic necessities of life.

  • dire

    If you are in dire need of help, you are in urgent need of it because the situation you are in is very bad or terrible.

  • disentangle

    When you disentangle a knot, you untie it completely; when you disentangle yourself from a problem, you get yourself out of it.

  • dismantle

    When you dismantle something, you break it down into its parts or destroy it gradually by taking away key aspects of it.

  • divergent

    Divergent opinions differ from each other; divergent paths move apart from one another.

  • eclipse

    When one person eclipses another's achievements, they surpass or outshine that person in that endeavor.

  • exhume

    When you exhume a body, you dig it out of the ground; likewise, you can exhume or bring something to light that has lain hidden or buried for a long time.

  • extradite

    When one nation extradites someone, it hands them over into the custody of a second nation, usually to stand trial for crimes committed against that second nation.

  • figurehead

    A figurehead in an organization is the apparent authority or head in name only—the real power lies somewhere else.

  • granule

    A granule is a small particle or tiny grain of something.

  • improvise

    When you improvise, you have to make something up with no notice ahead of time since you have been surprised by an unexpected situation that has arisen.

  • induce

    To induce a state is to bring it about; to induce someone to do something is to persuade them to do it.

  • infringe

    To infringe on another person's rights is to violate or intrude upon those rights.

  • innate

    An innate quality of someone is present since birth or is a quality of something that is essential to it.

  • inopportune

    When something happens at an inopportune time it is inconvenient or not suitable.

  • interpose

    When you interpose, you interrupt or interfere in some fashion.

  • intersperse

    When you intersperse things, you distribute or scatter them among other things, sometimes at different intervals.

  • intertwine

    When you intertwine two things, you twist them together and thereby interconnect them.

  • monochrome

    A monochrome painting is comprised of different shades of only one color or is done in black and white.

  • paraphrase

    When you paraphrase, you put into your own words what you have just read, usually in a shorter version.

  • perquisite

    A perquisite is something extra that you receive over and above what you normally get.

  • pique

    When you are piqued by something, either your curiosity is aroused by it or you feel resentment or anger towards it.

  • preamble

    A preamble is an introduction or preliminary statement that usually precedes a formal document in order to explain that document's purpose.

  • preclude

    When you preclude something from happening, you prevent it from doing so.

  • predispose

    If someone is predisposed to something, they are made favorable or inclined to it in advance, or they are made susceptible to something, such as a disease.

  • procure

    When you procure something, you obtain or get it in some fashion.

  • protrude

    Something that protrudes is sticking or pushing outward from something else.

  • purge

    To purge something is to get rid of or eliminate it, especially if it is unclean in some way.

  • rebuke

    When you rebuke someone, you harshly scold or criticize them for something they've done.

  • reimburse

    When you reimburse someone, you pay back the money that you borrowed from them, or you repay them for damages or losses they have suffered because of you.

  • reinstate

    When you reinstate someone, you give back their job or position that they lost; this word also refers to restoring to use something that was no longer being used.

  • renounce

    To renounce something, such as a position or practice, is to let go of it or reject it.

  • replete

    Stores that are replete with goods to sell are well-stocked and completely supplied to satisfy many customers.

  • repose

    If you are in a state of repose, your mind is at peace or your body is at rest.

  • reprieve

    A reprieve is a temporary relief from or cancellation of a punishment; it can also be a relief from something, such as pain or trouble of some kind.

  • resolve

    When you resolve a problem, you solve it or come to a decision about it.

  • ruse

    A ruse is a clever trick or deception used to fool someone.

  • stereotype

    A stereotype is a customary way of thinking about a particular group of people that is narrow-minded and often faulty.

  • subside

    When something subsides, it begins to go away, lessen, or decrease in some way.

  • subtle

    A subtle point is clever or so fine or slight that it is not obvious; it can also be deep or highly sophisticated.

  • supersede

    When something supersedes another thing, it takes the place of or succeeds it.

  • surge

    When something surges, it swells, rapidly increases, or suddenly rises.

  • traverse

    When you traverse an area or land, you go across or travel through it.

  • undermine

    To undermine a plan or endeavor is to weaken it or make it unstable in a gradual but purposeful fashion.

  • unnerve

    If something unnerves you, it makes you upset or nervous; it can also make you lose your courage because it frightens you so much.

  • vengeful

    If you are vengeful, you want to get back at someone for something that they did to you and so are unwilling to forgive them.

  • parable

    A parable is a short story that usually is told to illustrate a moral or lesson of some kind.

  • suave

    If you are suave, you are charming and very polite; you are also agreeable, perhaps not always sincerely, to all you meet.

  • appease

    When you appease someone, you either satisfy them or make peace with them.

  • vile

    Something that is vile is evil, disgusting, offensive, wretched, or very unpleasant.

  • serene

    A serene place or situation is peaceful and calm.

  • allege

    When you allege that someone has done something, you claim or assert that they have done it without showing any proof.

  • restore

    When you restore something, you bring it back to its original condition.

  • propose

    When you propose something, you offer an idea or recommendation in the hope that it is accepted or adopted.

  • immobile

    If something is immobile, it is still, motionless, or incapable of moving.

  • immerse

    When you become immersed in a subject, you are so interested in it that you are completely absorbed or submerged in it.

  • diverse

    A diverse group is made up of various and different things.

  • endure

    When someone is able to endure something difficult, they are able to last or keep on going without stopping.

  • endorse

    When someone endorses a product, they support or approve of it in a formal and public way.

  • remorse

    When you feel remorse for something that you have done, you regret it or have a guilty conscience about it.

  • constitute

    Those things that constitute something form or make it up.

  • enhance

    When you enhance something, you improve it, make it better, or add to it in some way.

  • evince

    If you evince particular feelings, qualities, or attitudes, you show them, often clearly.

  • prejudice

    A prejudice against another person is an unfavorable opinion or unfair judgment of that person that is made with no previous knowledge of them.

  • espouse

    If you espouse an idea, principle, or belief, you support it wholeheartedly.

  • ridicule

    When you ridicule someone, you mock or make fun of them in a mean way.

  • assuage

    When you assuage an unpleasant feeling, you make it less painful or severe, thereby calming it.

  • persevere

    When you persevere at a task, you keep on or continue doing it until it is finished.

  • premise

    A premise to an argument is a foundation or idea upon which it is based.

  • dissuade

    When you dissuade someone, you try to discourage or prevent them from doing something.

  • override

    When one person overrides the decision of another, they overrule or cancel it.

  • dispute

    A dispute is a disagreement, difference of opinion, or quarrel about something.

  • prelude

    A prelude is an introduction to a musical piece or something that precedes another event.

  • analyze

    When you analyze something, you examine or look closely at its different parts in order to identify and better understand them.

  • entice

    When someone entices you into doing something, they are trying to lure, tempt, or attract you into doing it in a persuasive manner.

  • obstacle

    An obstacle is something that gets in your way or stops you from doing something.

  • elude

    If a fact or idea eludes you, you cannot remember or understand it; if you elude someone, you manage to escape or hide from them.

  • merge

    When two things merge, they come together, combine, or unite in some way.

  • compromise

    When you compromise someone's safety or reputation, you put it in danger in some way.

  • finite

    A finite quantity is limited or restricted to a particular size or amount.

  • aspire

    When you aspire to become a millionaire, you greatly desire it and therefore seek and aim for it ambitiously.

  • intervene

    When you intervene in a difficult situation, you get involved in it in order to help solve a problem.

  • reinforce

    When you reinforce something, you make it stronger or give extra support to it.

  • refuge

    A refuge is a place to stay that offers shelter or protection.

  • cite

    When you cite a source, you quote or mention it for the purposes of support or authority.

  • phase

    A phase is a period or stage in the development or life of something or someone.

  • perceive

    When you perceive something, you see or realize it is present.

  • incite

    When you incite someone to do something, you encourage, urge, or highly persuade them to do it.

  • erode

    When something erodes, it wears away or is slowly and gradually destroyed.

  • secrete

    When the body secretes a substance, such as saliva or mucus, it generates, releases, or produces it from bodily tissues.

  • resume

    When you resume an activity, you start it up again or return to it.

  • fatigue

    If you are suffering from fatigue, you are tired or exhausted.

  • immense

    Something immense is huge, very big, or extremely large.

  • coincide

    When two things coincide, they go along with each other, match, or happen at the same time—they all fall together in one way or another.

  • catastrophe

    A catastrophe is a widespread terrible disaster that is often accompanied by many deaths.

  • subdue

    When you subdue something, like an enemy force or emotions, you defeat or bring them under control.

  • surmise

    If you surmise why something has occurred, you make a guess, offer a possibility, or have a theory about it.

  • besiege

    When a person is besieged, they are excessively bothered or overwhelmed by questions or other matters requiring their attention; likewise, when a city is besieged, it is surrounded by enemy forces.

  • epicene

    The adjective epicene refers to something or someone that has both feminine and masculine traits.

  • genotype

    An individual's genotype is their genetic makeup that determines the physical traits that they as a particular individual possess.

  • immure

    To immure something is to confine or enclose it within walls; likewise, immuring someone is the incarceration of them.

  • plebiscite

    A plebiscite is a direct vote by an electorate of a state or entire nation to determine whether to accept or refuse a proposed measure or important public question.

  • tense

    If you are tense, you are worried or nervous about something.

  • cycle

    A cycle is a period of time that eventually repeats itself.

  • introduce

    When you introduce someone, you present them to another person who previously did not know who they were.

  • technique

    A technique is a special way of or skill in doing something.

  • define

    When you define something, such as a word, you state or explain its meaning.

  • advice

    When you give someone advice, you help them by suggesting that they do something in a certain way or direct them towards doing a particular thing.

  • contribute

    When you contribute to something, such as a collection of money for a good cause, you give or donate to it.

  • incline

    An incline is an area or surface that can go up or down—it rises or falls in a sloping manner.

  • collapse

    When something collapses, like a bridge or a building, it falls down suddenly or caves in.

  • decide

    When you decide something, you settle on it, make a choice, or form a thought about it.

  • emerge

    When something emerges, it comes out, appears, or surfaces.

  • antique

    Something antique is old but also valuable because of its age and the fact that it is rare.

  • completely

    If something is completely done, it is wholly or entirely finished.

  • globe

    A globe is a ball-shaped object; it also commonly refers to a model of planet Earth or to Earth itself.

  • entire

    If you eat an entire blueberry pie, you eat the whole thing.

  • confuse

    If something confuses someone, they really don't understand it because it is unclear or they cannot figure it out.

  • displace

    When one thing displaces another, it takes its position or place and forces that other thing to leave.

  • inspire

    If someone inspires you, they make you want to do something, such as be a better person, do something creative, or be like them in a good way.

  • couple

    A couple of things or people are two of them and are usually similar to one another in some way.

  • reverse

    When someone reverses something, they change it so that it is the opposite of what it was before, such as changing their mind to something completely different.

  • conceive

    When you conceive something, such as an idea or plan, you form, imagine, or create it.

  • deceive

    When you deceive another person, you trick them in some way, often by making them believe that something is true when it actually is not.

  • describe

    When you describe something, you say or explain what it is or was like.

  • compare

    When you compare two things, you are finding out how they are similar and how they are different.

  • pace

    Pace is how fast someone is walking or running.

  • guidelines

    Guidelines are rules, directions, or advice that you follow in order to accomplish something.

  • guidelines

    Guidelines are rules, directions, or advice that you follow in order to accomplish something.

  • accuse

    If you accuse someone of doing something, such as a crime or other wrong activity, you say that she is at fault for doing it.

  • assure

    When you assure someone of something, you make that person feel certain or sure about it.

  • deprive

    When someone deprives you of something, they keep it away from you so that you have none of it.

  • devote

    When you devote yourself to something, such as helping the homeless or being the best teacher you can be, you spend a lot of time and put forth a lot of effort doing it.

  • observe

    When you observe something, you watch it carefully to see what is happening.

  • confine

    When you confine someone, you limit or restrict where they can go or what they can do.

  • dense

    Something dense is very thick and contains a lot of things in a small area, such as a forest where there are many trees very close together.

  • judge

    When you judge something, such as a problem or situation, you figure it out, make a decision, or form an opinion about it.

  • imagine

    When you imagine something, you create it or dream it up in your mind by forming a picture or an idea about it.

  • collide

    When two things collide, such as cars or trains, they smash together or crash into each other.

  • convince

    To convince someone of something is to make that person see that it is true or believe it.

  • demonstrate

    When you demonstrate something, you show it clearly or display it for people to see.

  • absolute

    If you know something with absolute certainty, you are total or complete in your belief in it.

  • declare

    When you declare something, you make an official statement of some kind, usually one that is important, public, true, or currently happening.

  • cease

    When something ceases, it stops, ends, or finishes.

  • distribute

    When you distribute something, you hand it out or spread it around to a number of different people.

  • mature

    Someone who is mature has grown fully in physical, mental, and emotional ways.

  • achieve

    When you achieve something, such as a high grade in math or running a mile, you do it successfully.

  • explore

    When you explore something, such as the outdoors or another country, you go into it to find out all about it.

  • extremely

    If it is extremely hot or cold, it is very or greatly hot or cold.

  • state

    The state of something is how it stands, what shape it is in, or how it is right now.

  • style

    The style of something is how it is done or the way in which it is made.

  • prepare

    When you prepare for something, such as a test, you get ready for it.

  • statement

    A statement is something that someone says or writes, often to give information of some kind to other people.

  • purchase

    When you purchase something, you buy it with money in order to own it.

  • solve

    To solve a problem is to figure it out by being able to give a correct answer to it, say the reason why it is happening in the first place, or suggest a way to get rid of it.

  • provide

    When you provide for someone, you give that person what they need or want, especially those items that are necessary to live.

  • opposite

    The opposite of something is a completely different thing, such as dark instead of light, or hot instead of cold.

  • source

    The source of something is where it comes from or what causes it.

  • surface

    The surface of something, such as a lake or a table, is the top layer or part of it.

  • release

    When you release something, such as a bird, you let it go or give it freedom.

  • remove

    When you remove something, you take it away from or off of something else.

  • reserve

    When you reserve something, you keep it for yourself so that you are able to use it when you need to.

  • reduce

    When you reduce something, you make it smaller in size or amount.

  • privilege

    A privilege is a special right or advantage that some people have to do something, such as vote or drive a car.

  • senseless

    If you do something that is senseless, there is no purpose or good reason behind doing it, and the thing that's done is often harmful or stupid in some way.

  • resource

    A resource is something that you can use to help you do something, such as wood to build a house or sunlight and wind to create energy.

  • volume

    The volume of something can either be how loud it is, such as a voice or sound, or how much there is of it, such as the amount of space in a cup or box.

  • pause

    A pause is a short period of rest or stop in an activity of some kind.

  • postpone

    When you postpone doing something, you wait and do it at another time.

  • relate

    When you relate two things, you show how they are linked to or like one another.

  • invade

    When one country invades another, it goes into it in order to attack it.

  • survive

    If you survive something, such as a difficult time or trouble, you manage to make it through or live to tell of it.

  • determine

    When you determine something, you figure it out or decide about it.

  • mere

    The word mere is used to point out that something is small or of little importance in comparison with other similar things.

  • pursue

    When you pursue someone or something, you chase after it in order to catch it.

  • noble

    Someone who is noble is a member of a very high social class, such as a duke, duchess, baroness, or baron.

  • preserve

    When you preserve something, such as a forest or food, you keep it from being destroyed or from harm coming to it by taking good care of it.

  • update

    When you update something, you make it have the latest information or news.

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