


  • convalescent

    A convalescent person spends time resting to gain health and strength after a serious illness or operation.

  • conflagration

    A conflagration is a fire that burns over a large area and is highly destructive.

  • inconspicuous

    Something that is inconspicuous does not attract attention and is not easily seen or noticed because it is small or ordinary.

  • consternation

    Consternation is the feeling of anxiety or fear, sometimes paralyzing in its effect, and often caused by something unexpected that has happened.

  • misconstrue

    If you misconstrue something that has been said or something that happens, you understand or interpret it incorrectly.

  • consummate

    If someone shows consummate skill at doing something, that person's skill is very great or almost perfect in every way.

  • connive

    If one person connives with another, they secretly plan to achieve something of mutual benefit, usually a thing that is illegal or immoral.

  • contentious

    When someone is contentious, they are argumentative and likely to provoke a fight.

  • condign

    A condign reward or punishment is deserved by and appropriate or fitting for the person who receives it.

  • convoluted

    Something convoluted, such as a difficult concept or procedure, is complex and takes many twists and turns.

  • condescend

    When people condescend, they behave in ways that show that they are supposedly more important or intelligent than other people.

  • conscript

    To conscript someone is to force them into military service.

  • contrite

    If you are contrite, you are very sorry or ashamed that you have done something bad.

  • contagion

    A contagion is a disease—or the transmission of that disease—that is easily spread from one person to another through touch or the air.

  • unconscionable

    An action or deed is unconscionable if it is excessively shameful, unfair, or unjust and its effects are more severe than is reasonable or acceptable.

  • confound

    If something confounds you, it makes you feel surprised and confused, often because it does not meet your predefined expectations.

  • condone

    If you condone someone's behavior, you go along with it and provide silent support for it—despite doubts about it.

  • concede

    When you concede to something, you unwillingly admit it is true or give in to it.

  • concise

    A concise statement is short, clear, and gets right to the point.

  • condemnation

    A condemnation of someone is strong disapproval for what they have done; it can result in a conviction of wrongdoing in court.

  • conducive

    A conducive agent is something that is favorable or helpful in getting something to happen.

  • confidant

    A confidant is a close and trusted friend to whom you can tell secret matters of importance and remain assured that they will be kept safe.

  • conscientious

    When someone is conscientious in performing a task, they do it in a thorough and careful fashion to make sure that it is completely done.

  • consign

    When you consign someone into another's care, you sign them over or entrust them to that person's protection.

  • constrain

    When you are constrained, you are forced to do something or are kept from doing it.

  • contemplate

    When you contemplate something, you either think about it deeply or gaze at it intently.

  • contemptible

    A contemptible act is shameful, disgraceful, and worthy of scorn.

  • contrived

    When something is contrived, it is obviously thought about or planned beforehand, although it tries to be passed off as not being so.

  • disconsolate

    If you are disconsolate, you are very unhappy or so sad that nothing will make you feel better.

  • inconceivable

    Something that is inconceivable cannot be imagined or thought of; that is, it is beyond reason or unbelievable.

  • inconclusive

    If the results of something are inconclusive, they are uncertain or provide no final answers.

  • inconsequential

    Inconsequential matters are unimportant or are of little to no significance.

  • inconsolable

    Someone who is inconsolable has been so devastated by a terrible event that no one can help them feel better about it.

  • preconception

    A preconception is a conceived notion that you already have, usually in the form of a bias or prejudice of some kind.

  • conversion

    When something undergoes a conversion, it is changed or transformed in some way.

  • concept

    A concept is an idea or thought that has occurred to someone.

  • conceit

    If you possess conceit, you have excessive self-pride—and thus think too highly of your own abilities.

  • conceal

    When you conceal something, you hide or cover it up in some way so others cannot see it.

  • consolidate

    When two businesses consolidate, they combine to form a stronger, more solid company.

  • constant

    If something is in constant motion, it doesn't stop but keeps on going or occurs over and over again.

  • consider

    When you consider something, such as an idea or an action, you think about it carefully beforehand, for it can often involve an important decision.

  • concern

    If you show concern towards someone, you are worried about them for some reason.

  • confuse

    If something confuses someone, they really don't understand it because it is unclear or they cannot figure it out.

  • conceive

    When you conceive something, such as an idea or plan, you form, imagine, or create it.

  • conclusion

    The conclusion of something, such as a book or thought, is its end, last part, or close.

  • convince

    To convince someone of something is to make that person see that it is true or believe it.

  • confident

    If you are confident about something, you are not worried or concerned about it at all because you believe that what you expect to happen will.

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