


  • pedagogy

    The art of pedagogy is the methods used by a teacher to teach a subject.

  • homily

    A homily is a short speech or piece of writing that advises people about how they ought to behave from a moral perspective.

  • elegy

    An elegy is a poem or other piece of writing expressing sadness; it is often about someone who has died.

  • parry

    To parry is to ward something off or deflect it.

  • colloquy

    A colloquy is a formal conversation.

  • calumny

    Calumny consists of untrue or unfair statements about someone expressly made to hurt their reputation.

  • philanthropy

    Philanthropy is unselfish support in the form of donating money, work, or gifts to positive social purposes; philanthropy is also overall love for humans in general.

  • augury

    Augury is the process or art of reading omens about the future through specific ceremonies.

  • soliloquy

    A soliloquy is the act of speaking by a single person, usually an actor in the theater.

  • empathy

    Empathy is the ability to understand how people feel because you can imagine what it is to be like them.

  • liturgy

    A liturgy is a set of rules or formal procedures used during a church service.

  • orthography

    Orthography is the art of correct spelling.

  • piety

    Piety is showing devotion or loyalty towards something, especially a religion.

  • comply

    When you comply with another's demands, you obey or yield to their wishes.

  • choreography

    The choreography of a work of dance is either the art of arranging the steps or the actual dance composition itself.

  • calligraphy

    Calligraphy is the art of beautiful handwriting using special pens or brushes.

  • physiognomy

    A person's physiognomy is their face or facial features.

  • prosody

    Prosody is the study of the structure and style of poetry.

  • usury

    Usury is the practice of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest.

  • geography

    The study of geography deals with the lands of the earth, including such things as their mountains, rivers, cities, and people that live there.

  • strategy

    A strategy is a plan of action to achieve something or get it done, usually over a period of time.

  • apology

    An apology is admitting that you did something to someone else that was not right—and saying that you're sorry for doing so.

  • journey

    A journey is a trip or the act of traveling somewhere.

  • treaty

    A treaty is an agreement drawn up between two nations in which those nations agree to particular acts, such as helping each other or keeping the peace.

  • recovery

    When someone is undergoing recovery, they are getting better and becoming healthy once again from an illness or injury that they suffered.

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