


  • minuscule

    Something minuscule is extremely small in size or amount.

  • recapitulate

    When someone recapitulates, they summarize material or content of some kind by repeating the most important points.

  • gesticulate

    When someone gesticulates, they make movements with their hands and arms when talking, usually because they want to emphasize something or are having difficulty in expressing an idea using words alone.

  • undulate

    Something that undulates moves or is shaped like waves with gentle curves that smoothly rise and fall.

  • crepuscular

    If something is crepuscular, it is dim, indistinct, and not easily visible; this word usually refers to twilight.

  • capitulate

    When you capitulate, you accept or agree to do something after having resisted doing so for a long time.

  • formulate

    When you formulate an action, you carefully plan or work it out in great detail ahead of time.

  • granule

    A granule is a small particle or tiny grain of something.

  • calculate

    When you calculate something, you figure or work out its size by using math.

  • formula

    A formula is a method or plan used to solve a problem of some kind or help something to succeed.

  • particular

    A particular thing or person is one thing or person you pick out of many other ones.

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