


  • anachronism

    An anachronism is something that is out of place because it is set in the wrong time period.

  • recidivism

    Recidivism is a falling back into an undesirable activity, especially crime, after one has temporarily stopped doing so.

  • paroxysm

    A paroxysm is a sudden uncontrolled expression of emotion or a short attack of pain, coughing, or shaking.

  • atavism

    Atavism is the reappearance of a genetic feature that has been missing for generations; it can also refer to a manner or style that resurfaces after a period of absence.

  • schism

    A schism causes a group or organization to divide into two groups as a result of differences in their aims and beliefs.

  • fanaticism

    Fanaticism is the condition of being overly enthusiastic about a cause to the point of being extreme and unreasonable about it.

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